
How to install Oracle 12C in a Linux environment

  Hello i'm Kavindu Dulanjana and  this blog contains all the necessary steps that should be followed in order to  successfully install Oracle 12C in a Linux environment in a computer. For this  process CentOs7 will be the Linux operating system that will be used and VMware  Workstation will be used to run Linux Virtually. The first few steps include downloading of the requires sofwares so if you already have these softwares installed skip to STEP 3. Step1: Downloading Softwares Step2: Setting up and creating a virtual machine Step3: Installing and updating CentOs 7 files Step4: Creating New user Oracle Step5: Setting the kernel parameters Step6: Setting limits to Oracle Step7: Copy Oracle to Linux Step8: Extracting the Files of oracle setup Step9: Create the directories that will be needed Step10: Run the installer Step11: Running Oracle setup in the GUI Step12: Downloading and updating Adobe Flash Player Step13: Open ports Step14: Edit .bash_profile Step15: Re